Student Referral Programme

Click here to submit a referral



The purpose of this Programme is to recognise and reward alumni and current students who share their experiences and benefits of undertaking study with The University of Manchester-Middle East Centre, with people they know i.e. family, friends or colleagues by encouraging and supporting a prospective student to enrol at the Middle East Centre.



‘Referrer’ is the term used for a student / alumni who refers a friend, colleague or family member (“Referred Student”) to the Middle East Centre. “Referral” is the term used for the act of referring a student to the Middle East Centre.


Eligibility Criteria for Participants

1. Referrers

  • The Programme is open to all alumni of the University of Manchester in the Middle East region who have successfully graduated from a full-time, part-time or distance learning programme.

  • The Programme is also open to current students who are considered to be in ‘good standing’ i.e. not suspended, withdrawn or a debtor.

  • Some alumni and current students may be excluded from applying -see section 3 for who is not eligible to participate.


2. Referred Students

  • Referred Students must represent new students that have not previously applied, enquired or enrolled on any other programme i.e. not already in the University’s database of active and prospective students or alumni. Previous applicants or enquirers will be eligible to be referred to, provided they last enquired or applied over two years ago.

  • Referred Students must be residing in of one of the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

  • Referred Students can enrol on to any programme at the Middle East Centre

  • Referred Students must provide their personal details by completing a referral form which is available on our website page.

  • To qualify for a reward, Referred Students must successfully enrol on to their chosen programme, pay their deposit and the first instalment of tuition fees and successfully complete their first academic semester.


3. Who is NOT eligible to participate?

  • Employees of the University are prohibited from participation as a Referrer.

  • Referred Students who are not residents of the countries listed in section 2.



4. Rewards for Referrers (Options)

Referrers will receive one of the following rewards for each successful referral:

    • £200 Amazon® Vouchers

    • Annual Subscription for Financial Times

    • Annual Subscription for Economist Magazine

    • 2 nights hotel stay in 4/5 stars hotel in Dubai

A successful referral is achieved when all required conditions detailed in section 5 are met.

  • There is no limit to the number of rewards that a Referrer can get for referring students.

  • Referrers can make any number of applications under each Programme per intake and get rewarded for each referral.


5. Conditions for the processing of a referral application

  • Referred Students must successfully enrol at the Middle East Centre and remain on their programme for the first academic semester (minimum of 8 weeks).

  • Rewards are made to Referrers on a first-come-first-served basis (i.e. if a student is referred by more than one referrer, the first referral application will be deemed the only valid one).


The University of Manchester Middle East Centre reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions of the Programme at any point. For any further enquiries please email