The University of Manchester - Dubai
Graduation Celebration
17th November 2022
The University of Manchester held its 9th Graduation Celebration on 17th November 2022 for Around 70 part-time business Master’s graduates in the Middle East—from the Global Part-time MBA and MSc Reliability & Asset Management programmes. The Graduation Celebration was hosted by Professor Fiona Devine (CBE FAcSS FRSA), Dean of Alliance Manchester Business School and was held in the presence of Dr Abdulla Al Karam, Director General – Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA).
The Graduation Celebration presents an opportunity for the University to refresh, reinvigorate and reinforce the relationships with key stakeholders, whilst publicly celebrating the success of these new graduates and inspiring current and future students. The celebration was attended by family members, VIP guests, students and alumni of The University of Manchester in the Middle East.
The University of Manchester is the largest single-site university in the UK. Twenty sixth (26) Nobel Prize winners have worked or studied at the University, which has strategic partnerships and collaborations worldwide, bringing innovation to businesses and insight to institutions. For more than 25 years, the university has been providing transnational education forging strong global partnerships and centres of learning across four continents. With a multicultural campus, four global centers and a portfolio of online and blended learning options, the University can provide a Manchester learning experience, anywhere.
The University launched the Middle East Centre in 2006; today, it is still the largest and fastest growing centre in the university’s international network of five centres, and has supported more than 3,000 part-time MBA and other business Master’s students in the region, and graduated more than 2,000, over the last 16 years.
The Graduation Celebration in the UAE is a recognition of the importance of the Middle East, the commitment to our students, graduates and alumni here, and appreciation of the University’s hosts in the UAE.
Randa Bessiso, Director - Middle East, The University of Manchester, comments:
“Graduation is a very special occasion and we are delighted to be able to celebrate this with our students in the region. Our part-time business Master’s degree programmes are very demanding and the achievement of these graduates is especially impressive given recent disruption to lives and work. Our students from the Middle East are also top performers and the vast majority earn their degrees with a Distinction or Merit. Graduation is the start of a new relationship with the University as part of our global alumni network of 60,000 Alliance MBS graduates in 176 countries. Our aim is to help students and graduates build successful, fulfilling and sustainable careers through a lifelong relationship with the University.”
Congratulations to all our new graduates.