This page contains general help information relevant to the entire website. If you have a query or problem about a specific page that is not addressed here, please contact via our feedback form.

Finding your way around our website

The main sections of the website are listed across the top of the homepage. On the left hand side of the inside pages, there is a section menu, which provides links to other pages in the same section. Some section menu links will take you to sub-sections, which have their own section menus.

There is also a ‘breadcrumb trail’ at the top of each page showing you the steps you have taken to get to the page you are currently viewing.

Browser support

We have made every effort to make this site usable for as many different browsers as possible. Unfortunately, older browsers are not able to take advantage of current technology, and so the site does not look as ‘designed’ as it does in modern browsers, although all the information should be accessible. We would encourage all users, if at all possible, to update their browser to the latest version - not only for this site, but to enhance your use of the web in general.

Adjusting text size

Our website is built using relative font sizes, which means that if you want to view it with larger or smaller text, you can change the text size using your browser. In Internet Explorer this is done by going to the top menu and selecting ‘View’, then ‘Text Size’. Medium is the usual setting, so selecting Larger or Largest will increase the text size. Similarly in Netscape choose ‘View’ from the menu bar and ‘Text Zoom’ from the drop down list or ‘View’, ‘Increase Font’ depending on what version of Netscape you are using.


You may be able to find the answer to your question by searching the Business school’s website. You can enter a ‘keyword’ into the search box on the top right-hand corner of any page.

Contacting us

If you need to contact some one to help you with your enquiry please see our contact us page, which gives you telephone numbers and email addresses for particular purposes.

Printing from this website

We have set this site up so that if you are using a modern browser, when you print a page the printout will not include the menus or sidebars.

Experiencing problems?

Please use the feedback form if you are experiencing any problems, or to report any broken links.